The intent of project is to compile a list of pieces by composers who identify as members of the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and additional gender/sexuality minorities) community and who have written works for band. This project will be treated as a working document and resource for conductors, educators, performers, and scholars interested in the music of LGBTQ+ band composers. Before submitting a suggested composer, please refer to the list of those already included to avoid duplicate entries.
Please be aware the results of this project will be made available to the public. If you are not out, or do not wish to identify as LGBTQ+, then please refrain from participating. By participating, you agree to have the information provided made public.
Edited, verified, and vetted results of this project will be compiled from voluntary composer submissions and trusted, citable sources. Living composers who did not submit their works directly to this project will be contacted before inclusion unless their identity as a member of the LGBTQ+ community is well-documented in print and/or other media and will be cited. A list of contributors to this project will also be made available.
As terms for sexuality and gender identity are 20th-century constructs, composers of the past may not have identified as such. Through examining their letters and other primary sources, some composers of the past will be included in this project whereas others won't. Reminder to engage with composers as people first who create music rather than as datapoints.
Previously submitted composers
Michael Abels
Mark Adamo
Richard Addinsell
Jacob Ali
Jared Aragón
Andrew Ardizzoia
Spencer Arias
Troy Armstrong
Samuel Barber
Greg Bartholomew
Arthur Benjamin
Richard Rodney Bennett
Leonard Bernstein
John G. Bilotta
Clint Borzoni
Roger Bourland
Paul Bowles
Arthur Breur
Benjamin Britten
Nathan Brown
Daniel Bukin
Stacy Busch
John Cage
Oliver Caplan
Mark Carlson
John Carollo
Derek Douglas Carter
Stephen Vincent Casellas
Jason Charney
Desmond Child
Rachael Coleman
Aaron Copland
John Corigliano
Noel Coward
Henry Cowell
Richard Crosby
Viet Cuong
Ingolf Dahl
Peter Maxwell Davies
Don Davis
Kevin Day
Eris DeJarnett
David Del Tredici
David Diamond
Eric Dollerschell-Petry
Frank Duarte
Julius Eastman
Timothy Erickson
Mohammed Fairouz
Manuel de Falla
Gareth Farr
inti figgis-vizueta
Michael Finnissy
Danielle Fisher
Ronald Follas
Jamison Forge
Matt Frey
Nathan Froebe
Rossano Galante
Alexandra Gardner
Michael Gilbertson
Julie Giroux
Caleb Gomes
Tyler S. Grant
Anthony R. Green
Charles T. Griffes
Clare Grundman
Anne Guzzo
Reynaldo Hahn
Joseph Hallman
Caleb Hammer
George Frideric Handel
Scott Stephen Hansen
JoAnne Harris
Lee Hartman
Ralph Raymond Hays
Ricardo Hembree
Hanz Werner Henze
Jennifer Higdon
Lee Hoiby
Christen Taylor Holmes
Wataru Hokoyama
Stephen Ryan Jackson
Salvador Alan Jacobo
Elton John
Charlie Johnson
Jackson Joyce
John Kander
Laura Karpman
Kevin Kay
Eric Knechtges
Chris Lamb
Gwen-Marie Lerch
Lowell Liebermann
Will Linthicum-Blackhorse
Parker William Long
Jean-Baptiste Lully
Robert Maggio
Nebal Maysaud
Andrew McManus
Sonia Megias
Sam Melnick
Gian Carlo Menotti
Cooper Minnis
Natalie Moller
Nico Muhly
Nicole Murphy
Jacob J. Narverud
Anthony O'Toole
Kevin Oldham
Pauline Oliveros
Jeffrey Ouper
Kalin Peña
Liam Piper-Brandon
Cole Porter
Francis Poulenc
Kincaid Rabb
Justin Raines
Steven Reineke
Ned Rorem
Jessica Rudman
Logan Rutledge
Camille Saint-Saëns
Isaac Schankler
Franz Schubert
Caroline Shaw
Robert Sheldon
Steven Serpa
Paul Siskind
Ethel Smyth
brin solomon
Stephen Sondheim
Randall Standridge
Ingrid Stölzel
Conrad Susa
Karol Szymanowski (band work is lost)
Pyotr Ilych Tchaikovsky
Omar Thomas
Virgil Thomson
Michael Tilson Thomas
Jasmine Thomasian
Michael Tippett
Nicholas Tran
Dale Trumbore
Derek Tywoniuk
Mari Esabel Valverde
Claude Vivier
Evan Williams
Charles Wuorinen
To submit an entry, please visit http://goo.gl/forms/bXOMoYNu0liJ3jyE2